2021 | Case study
Live transcription app
Capturing content on mobile

In brief

Role: Product Designer
Working closely with engineers, PMs, researchers, designers
Worked on the flows, concepts, wireframes, prototypes and research
Company: Trint
Nov 2021 - January 2022
Problem statement
Specifically for Enterprise customers, creating a mobile app is valued for the business to expand and retain our customer base. Because our users currently capture content and then upload to Trint, the app bridges a gap in our users' workflows.

- Understand user needs and expectations in a live transcription app

- Gain users' trust with live recording

- Current app has been built separately in iOS and Android, causing the team to re-build in a cross-platform framework

By understanding our users needs for a Trint mobile app, we believe that live transcription can be a step forward in users workflow across devices.

"I'm stuck back on the question about transcribing live... I guess if I did it that way, I wouldn't have to do the Zoom call, right?" - Nikki


- Shortcuts positioned at the top of the screen for users to quickly navigate the app

- Primary button for record

- Card components used to contain items

User research
I conducted multiple user testing sessions along with scripting questions to better understand how a mobile app would fulfill user needs

✅ Users were excited by live transcription, but even more interested in its potential for desktop in recording live feeds

❌ Users expected some core functionality from the desktop experience in-app

❌ Naming conventions didn't feel clear to users

How might we enable users to transcribe live recordings on mobile?
After mapping out MVP 1, I created concepts for key screens such as: home screen, recording and file management
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First designs
These designs were used in the first round of research and allowed us to test its learnability and function
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Home screen with navigation positioned at the bottom for the home, record and notifications. This design surfaces shortcuts and sorting files by recency
Live transcription on screen including a controls drawer for the audio wave and stop button
After two rounds of user testing and various design reviews, these designs enabled us to establish a stronger mobile design system, improve hierarchy and rework naming conventions
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Reworked home screen with only record in its navigation, defined visual hierarchy and clearer language
Reworked live transcription screen with text aligned left, document metadata, pause and stop controls along with an share button to invite others to a live feed

Results and
next steps

Within the early stages of the Trint app, I was able to contribute to the mobile design system, participate in user research and visualise potential concepts for the mobile experience. I also learned about the technical constraints of native vs. cross platform frameworks.

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