2021 | Case study
Secure deletions
Enabling a self-serve deletion model for Enterprise users

In brief

Role: Product Designer
Working closely with engineers, PMs, researchers, designers
Worked on the concepts, wireframes, UI/UX
Company: Trint
July 2021 - Oct 2021
Problem statement
Each quarter, Enterprise users must permanently delete all of their content in order to adhere to their corporate mandate and for GDPR purposes. Because they currently need to contact their account representative on a frequent basis, this situation causes frustration for both users and support members.

- Enterprise users have data retention policies that require them to securely delete content after a certain period of time

- Users are forced to contact their account representative in order to ask for files to be deleted or restored

- All users deleted files (soft deleted) appear in the admin dashboard

By enabling a self-serve model for deletions, we believe that admin requests for deletions will decrease and prevent accidental deletions.

"Being able to delete is essential to us since we are required to due to our corporate mandate" - User feedback


- Highlighting selected items

- Using colour as a method of activation

- Simplifying the experience to decrease accidental deletions

User research
I conducted multiple user testing sessions to understand how users intended to delete and how admins oversaw their team’s deletions.

✅ Users preferred highlighted text as this helped them read through many files

✅ Users liked how colour informed what types of actions they could do after selecting files(s)

❌ Users required clearer copy when it came to reassuring them their files would be permanently deleted

How might we allow Enterprise users to securely delete unwanted files without contacting their account representative?
Exploring what the deletions table could look like along with where deletions could potentially sit within the navigation bar
No items found.
First designs
These first designs were created after conducting a competitor analysis, researching best practices and looking at the current patterns in the product.
No items found.
This concept uses a table with checkboxes to allow users to select single or multiple files along with sorting by date
Modal warning users files will be deleted forever and they cannot restore them
These iterations were designed after conducting research sessions and receiving feedback from colleagues and design reviews
No items found.
This concept uses checkboxes and highlights to underline the files and support better legibility
Warning modal uses bold text to highlight the number of files being selected along with simple copy stating that there is no way to restore once deleted

Results and
next steps

From this project, I was able to gain experience designing for both users and the internal team. I was able to uncover pain points and align company and user objectives together.

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